YIF, Issue 5: When Are You Voting Next?

Nov 11, 2022

Brought to you by YIF's Centre for Youth Policy

With this edition of YIF’s newsletter, read on for updates about:

  • Your college campus can be the next hub for civic engagement. Take action here. 
  • Do you know when are you voting next? Check out this interactive tool for the answer. 
  • Under-representing the youth vote has serious implications. Read on for how this affects election results.

Come join the movement of, for, and by the youth of India. As your one stop-shop for all youth news, we don’t spam – that’s a promise!

YIF Watchlist: Upcoming Events



Register for the webinars here.

Ever wondered how a college student can contribute actively to civic engagement in India? How can you turn college campuses into spaces for increased political and civic participation?
If yes, then YIF has the perfect webinar in the pipeline for you. 

Stay tuned to our social media handles as we announce the panel and other details soon!

Are you studying on a college campus in India and are passionate about Indian democracy? Say no more! 

YIF presents a unique opportunity to increase civic engagement on your campus through #Why25 workshops and voter registration drives.

All you have to do is fill this form, and we will help you to bring civic engagement to your campus today. We hope to see you soon!


When are you voting next?



Indian democracy is promising us some exciting results in the coming few months - as over 5 states are set to go to assembly and municipal elections and re-elect their representatives. Starting with Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh, the fight for incumbency will see many new faces over the next months, as results come out on the 8th of December. 

Are you overwhelmed by the constant flow of election information and dates and don’t know when you’re voting next? We got your back. 

Head on to YIF’s election calendar for a comprehensive and interactive guide for all the elections taking place in and around the country today.



Are You In Gujarat? Register to Vote from your School/College!

If you’re above 18 and in Gujarat, here’s some good news for you. You can now register as a voter directly from your schools and colleges as a part of a special voter registration drive.

So don’t forget to enroll yourself for “Vote nu Vachan”, and take your parents or adults around you with you to cast your vote!

The Knockout's Final Round: Himachal Pradesh Votes Tomorrow!

As Himachal goes to final polls tomorrow, don’t forget to CAST YOUR VOTE! Find the results on the 8th of December.

Need a quick breakdown to choose your fighters? Read here and find a full list of candidates here.

Youth Across the Globe

They Underestimated the Youth. Here's What Happened During the Mid-Term Elections in the USA.

With over 27% young voters between the ages 18-29 showing up to vote in the United States Senate Elections, the youth successfully influenced several critical swing states.

Here are the numbers on how the Democrats have benefited from young voters.

If the youth in the USA can change the electoral verdict, so can you! Click here to check the next election where your voice can make a difference.

Maybe Gen Z Is too Young to Vote Anyway?

Gen Z voters tipped the scales to the left in several crucial states in the recent United States Senate Elections.

Read on to know how the young voters expressing their opinion has sent the Republicans into a moralistic panic over the voting age!

Although they can not seem to agree on what the new age should be:
there were arguments for 212530, or simply until voters had gotten “a lil life experience.”

We're Hiring! 

Join the Youth Movement in India Full-Time. 

1. We’re hiring for a full-time position: Creative Initiatives Manager.

If you’re passionate about music, art and politics and are good at managing partnerships, We have a job for you! Join us full time as our Creative Initiatives Manager. Send us your CV along with anything that would help us understand your ideas on expansion of youth political participation and art in India to shefali@yif.org.in. Tap on here for more details.

2. Help us expand to the rest of the country - YIF Voter Engagement Managers.

We are looking for 9 passionate Indians from across the subcontinent to lead our workshops and events for the upcoming year. Part-time and paid, help us take the #Why25 movement and Voter Registration Booths to festivals, colleges, and young people. 

Actively recruiting for people to represent our cause from the states and zones of Chandigarh, Punjab, Himachal, Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, the North-East, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Goa.

Interested? Write to us at sudhanshu@yif.org.in and shefali@yif.org.in with your CV and why you think you're a good fit! 

YIF Recommends

Do It Like A Woman
Book by Caroline Criado Perez

Doing anything 'like a woman' used to (and in many instances in India) be an insult.

As the women in this book show, it also means being brave, speaking out, and taking risks, changing the world one step at a time.

Campaigner and journalist Caroline Criado-Perez introduces us to a host of pioneers, including a female fighter pilot in Afghanistan; a Chilean revolutionary; the Russian punks who rocked against Putin; and the Iranian journalist who uncovered her hair.

India Untouched. Stories of A People Apart
Documentary by Stalin K. | Watch here.

A documentary a decade old but still relevant, this feature tells the story of caste and gender-based discrimination in modern India. No amount of governmental encouragement has been able to stem the tragic custom that separates human beings according to their birth - forcing Indians everywhere to still eat and drink from separate containers or live in isolation for fear of being “polluted”.

Watch as director Stalin Kurup spends 4 years on the ground bringing the practice of discrimination and resistance to affirmative action to light.

Are Young People The Key To Our Climate Crisis?
Report by the Adaptation Fund | Read here.

With the right guidance and support, young people can be the builders and guardians of the environment.

report from the 27th conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change which suggests that empowering youth can substantially increase positive engagement in the climate space.

Do you agree?

Young Changemaker of the Week: Jabna Chauhan, Our Youngest Sarpanch

Hailing from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, Jabna Chauhan pursued her education from local institutes before starting her career as a news reporter. Having felt the gravity of the issues first hand and combined with her unending desire to work for the development of the region, led Jabna to contest in the Gram Panchayat elections of Tharjun Village at the age of 22, making her the youngest Sarpanch in the country!

In one of her first orders of business as a new sarpanch, Jabna introduced a rule to prohibit alcohol in the village. Despite massive opposition, Jabna through her sheer will, made the initiative a success for the betterment of the entire village. She is truly an example of having faith in one’s decisions. 
