#WHY25?: On Young and Youngsters

Dec 2, 2022

With a record rise in youth activism and involvement of school and college going students in politics, one can make an educated guess that the young have decided to foray into the realm of politics, rather than leave it up to others. Rightly so, this current trend of increased participation can be explained as, the realization that we—the young—are the inheritors of a society that will be left behind by the current generation. Hence, it’s better that we involve ourselves in matters previously ‘reserved’ only for adults.

The population of youth, i.e. people in the age range of 18–35, has increasingly become a new force to bring about a change in society. With a record rise in youth activism and involvement of school and college going students in politics, one can make an educated guess that the young have decided to foray into the realm of politics, rather than leave it up to others. Rightly so, this current trend of increased participation can be explained as, the realization that we--the young-- are the inheritors of a society that will be left behind by the current generation. Hence, it’s better that we involve ourselves in matters previously ‘reserved’ only for adults.




On 9th July 2019, Congress’s Member of Parliament, from Thrivanthapuram, Mr. Shashi Tharoor introduced a private member’s bill in the Lok Sabha.

The bill seeks to reduce the minimum eligibility age to contest elections, for both Parliament and State Assemblies, from 25 years to 18 years. By doing so, he has given his consent and approval for the youngsters to not only enter the realm of politics from a point of mere discussion instead only to participate in the legislative process directly.

In many ways, this bill empowers all those millennials who aspire to make a change in society to start right now and do an action that will impact the same-aged peers as well as the nation. I believe, this nation desperately needs new leadership with new ideas, full of zeal and enthusiasm, which only a youngster can have.


A bill like this, which allows the young population to enter has many advantages.

Firstly, as we will make up the next generation of adults, and the level of relatability is hard to find in contemporary politics. Also, only current generation of youngsters can understand what problems other youngsters face or are facing. Hence, a mutual understanding between the leaders and the masses becomes imperative for politics for society to thrive and improve conditions for all.

A second advantage is regarding education levels. Not only has the population of educated youth has increased but also the quality of education imparted has improved relatively. One can easily say, that an 18-year old in 2019 is more knowledgeable and mature compared than an 18-year old in the late 90s, or early 2000s. Therefore, this newly educated youth has the potential to bring forth new ideas into the sphere of governance, and benefit the whole country in the long run.

Many believe that politics is meant for those who are educated and mature in the ways of the world. Therefore, an 18-year old can ever compete in this sphere as there’s no way they can accumulate the same amount of knowledge and experience as someone in their late 50s, or early 60s, or even further down the age line.

However, age doesn’t dictate maturity or intellect, as is evident from some of our current elected representatives. Their archaic ideas could impact society, and their plans are in no way dynamic or flexible. The flexibility of ideas that a youngster has is one of his/her biggest driving points.

For the first time since Independence, it’s time we take a step back and assess all the good the youth can do for the country, and we entrust our future with them.