Yash Agarwal
A Public Policy Professional with 5 years of experience across Twitter, Indian Parliament, Consulting and running a career services startup! He currently serves as the Founder and CEO of Proficy, a consultancy focused on providing core advisory services to a range of partners within the broader Policy space in India. Besides this, he is also engaged as a consultant at YLAC where he help to design educational programs and build out communities with a focus on enabling meaningful policy careers for thousands of young Indians! He is also the founder of PPI (PublicPolicyIndia.com), a knowledge platform dedicated to the cause of Public Policy - the organization focuses on making public policy issues engaging and accessible while supporting thousands of young Indians make a career in this space. Before that, he has worked as an Associate Consultant at Chase India and as a LAMP Fellow to a 4-term State Cabinet Minister of Assam and current Member of Parliament. Yash has also had the experience of working with the Government of India, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Pratham, BJP's National Vice President Mr. Baijayant ‘Jay’ Panda’s Office and Teach For India, among others.