It's Not You, It's All Of Us: Let's Talk About Mental Health 🧠

Oct 12, 2023

Brought to you by YIF’s Centre For Youth Policy

With this edition of YIF’s newsletter, read on for updates about:

1. Our mental health matters! Let’s talk on this World Mental Health day!
2. Youth around the world won’t sit and watch anymore, they’re getting up and saving the world themselves.
3. We have this documentary recommendation for you that you might like!

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A demographic dividend raises the question of whether India is giving enough thought its youth’s mental health

In a nation as densely populated as India, with over 1.4 billion inhabitants, the adolescent demographic aged 10-19, numbering 253 million, is commonly referred to as the 'demographic dividend.' These young minds are pivotal in driving economic prosperity and development. It is essential to recognize that this potential is inherently tied to their physical and mental well-being! Acknowledging and tending to the mental health of youth is both a societal responsibility and a policy concern, not just therapy-speak on Instagram!

Upcoming Events (Don’t Miss These!)

Apply to the She’s the First Girls Advisory Council

The Girls Advisory Council incorporates girls’ voices into our programming strategy and communications decisions. Council members work with staff, the board, and students to ensure that our programming and storytelling reflect the strengths, needs, and realities of girls everywhere. Applicants must Identify as a girl, including those gender-nonconforming, genderfluid, and transfeminine experiences, aged 14-22.  Apply by October 28th, 2023.


Join the World Water Week Young Scientific Programme Committee

SIWI is seeking committed young professionals to provide support to World Water Week’s Scientific Programme Committee. Joining the Young Scientific Programme Committee (YSPC) is an opportunity for young professionals to expand their network and gain valuable experience. Selected each year, the group is composed of young professionals aged 35 and under. The theme of World Water Week 2024 is “Bridging Borders: Water for a peaceful and sustainable future”. Apply by 16 November 2023.



YIF Rewind

We talked to the students about our #GetInked campaign and spread awareness about voting and did voter registrations to encourage youth participation. Students and attendees were also keen on discussing our #Why25 campaign, to reduce the age of candidacy to contest elections in the Parliament from 25 to 21 years.

Multiple perspectives, opinions and discussions were welcomed and fulfilled our aim of starting the conversation around civic engagement and what role we can play as young individuals!

Catch us SRCC on 12th and 13th October and IIT Roorkee 13th to 15th October! Come say hi! 🙋🏽‍♀️

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News Wrap

Young Leaders Spotlight

YIF Recommends

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